Video Marketing

Video marketing means using videos for promoting and telling people about your product or service. It helps increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educates your audience, and allows you to reach them with a new medium.

It's been said that an image is worth a thousand words. For a video, multiply that by another thousand. That is the basis of video marketing, a powerful form of marketing that effectively engages your audience as a part of your marketing campaigns.

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Why is video marketing important?

Video marketing is an emotionally engaging and multi-sensory experience. The length of time someone spends looking at a post as they scroll through social media is the same amount of time it takes to snap your fingers. The motion in video naturally captures short attention spans and makes people pause. They remember more of the content seen in videos than the content they only read or hear.

What are the benefits of video marketing?

With access to faster networks, businesses are using more and more videos to engage with their customers. Many businesses, probably also your competitors, use videos to help capture value from their audiences.

Video is a Gold Mine for SEO

It can increase your search engine ranking, click-through rates, open rates and conversions. But you have to reach your target audience. YouTube is the second largest search engine (second to Google). What’s better: YouTube is owned by Google. So that means a properly tagged video can work wonders for your SEO.

Video Boosts Conversion Rates

A recent study found that 57 percent of online consumers were more likely to buy a product they were considering purchasing after watching a video demonstration of that product. See a sample product explainer video below.

Video is Easily Accessible

There are endless platforms for video marketing. YouTube, broadcast television, video boards and street marketing, you name it. The possibilities are endless. With a smartphone, consumers can access online video anytime, anywhere. The same is not true with traditional, paper marketing. With video, you can reach your audience wherever they are in a cost-effective way.

Video is Effective

Studies show that retention rates for information that is both seen and heard is as high as 80 percent. Those numbers drop to 20 percent for information that is seen and just 10 percent for information that is heard. Combining visual and audio is powerful.

Video is Emotional

Video allows you to make a direct appeal to the emotional center of a person’s brain through music. With video, you are also able to attach a face to a concept. The human connection through video is more influential than reading facts in text. See an example of an emotionally appealing video below.

Why should you use videos in your social media posts? Video posts:

  • Stay visible longer on social feeds
  • Get more exposure and engagement
  • Increase the understanding of your product
  • Stand out more
  • Provide a more personable way to engage with your audience
  • Are powerful sales tool
  • Rank higher in search
  • Are growing in popularity across platforms